Frequently asked questions.
When is the event? Saturday, September 27, 2025:
Team Check-in 12:30pm – 1:30pm
Competition starts at 2:00pm
Where does it take place? Lansdowne Park (452 Queen Elizabeth Drive) in the Aberdeen Plaza, next to the Aberdeen Pavilion.
Can supporters come to watch? Yes, we welcome everyone to come out to watch the teams compete, cheer them on, and enjoy the other activities!
Is there a fee for supporters to attend? There is no admission fee and it is open to the public. A great family friendly event!
Are washrooms available? Yes, teams and spectators can access the washrooms inside the Aberdeen Pavilion.
Team Information:
Do I need to be an experienced "puller" to participate? No, all levels of pullers are welcome. There are participating teams representing groups of friends and family, emergency services employees, fitness enthusiasts, corporate employees, student groups, and many more.
How many people do we need to form a team? Maximum of 10 participants per team.
What if I have fewer than 10 people on my team? 8-10 people are the ideal number of people on a team, but we will accept smaller teams. No matter how small the team, you are committing to raise at least $1,000 to guarantee your opportunity to pull a fire truck.
What if I have more than 10 people on my team? Only 10 people can pull the fire truck. Additional teammates can cheer you on as part of the “team spirit” competition or you can consider breaking into 2 or more teams.
What is the minimum age requirement? Participants must be 13 years of age on the date of registration.
How can I register a team? Register your team through our online registration system, which only takes a few minutes to complete.
What information do I need before registering my team? In addition to your contact info as Team Captain, you will need to enter your team name and select your team category (mixed, women, or open).
Is there a registration deadline? Yes, all Team Members need to be registered on your team roster by Friday, September 18, 2025.
How many males/females do I need on my team? All mixed teams must compete with a minimum of 5 female team members. Open teams have no restrictions. Women’s teams must compete with all female team members.
How much is the entry fee? There is no registration fee, but each team must raise at least $1,000 by the end of Team Check-in to be guaranteed an opportunity to participate in the event. On a 10-person team, each member should raise approximately $100 minimum. Teams can supplement individual fundraising with group fundraisers such as bake sales, yard sales, car washes, etc.
What if my team doesn’t reach the $1,000 minimum? Teams that don’t raise at least $1,000 are not guaranteed an opportunity to participate at the event. If your team is struggling to raise $1,000, contact us for ideas.
Where do the donations go? Proceeds will go to Epilepsy Ottawa to support epilepsy services in our community.
How can I register if I do not have a team? If you would like to participate, but don’t have enough people to form a team you can register as an individual and we will help place you on a team. Individuals will be asked to contribute to the team’s fundraising efforts.
Do I need to sign a waiver? Yes, all team members are required to submit a completed waiver. Waivers are submitted electronically during the online registration process. Manual waivers will be available onsite on the day of the event for last minute changes.
Do we need to wear a wristband? Yes, Team Captains will be given the wristbands for all team members when they check-in on event day. Wristbands will only be issued for team members who have completed the registration process.
Do we need a team t-shirt? All teams are encouraged to wear a team t-shirt or outfit at the event, but it is not required. Many teams also wear team caps, face paint, temporary tattoos and themed costumes. An award will be presented for the Best Team Spirit.
Event Information:
When does the Fire Truck Pull start? The competition begins at 2:00pm. Teams check-in between 12:3-1:30pm.
When does my team pull? The competition schedule will be available the week prior to the event. Please note that it is subject to change.
How long is the pulling distance? The fire truck is to be pulled 100 feet.
What are the pull divisions?
Mixed - can compete with a maximum of 5 male pullers
Women - must compete with an all female team
Open - no restrictions
What is the Shawn Mathieson First Responder Challenge? The Shawn Mathieson First Responder Challenge invites firefighters, police officers, and paramedics to compete against each other in this special division. This Challenge is also open to people in training to become a firefighter, police officer, or paramedic. Any team with at least 50% first responders can participate in this Challenge.
Are there other challenges? Yes! There are four other challenges that you can enter.
The Community Challenge is for teams who don’t qualify for the other challenges and is open to
The Armed Forces Challenge invites teams representing Army, Navy and Air Force, or people in training.
Any team with at least 50% Military members can participate in this Challenge.
The Coast to Coast Open Challenge invites teams from across Canada to compete against each other to
claim their place as the fastest Province/Territory!
The Beast Mode Invitational Challenge invites winning teams of Fire Truck Pulls from across the country
to face off!
What should I bring? Feel free to bring non-alcoholic beverages and snacks with you. Wear comfortable clothing and pay close attention to the weather forecast. We recommend that you bring layers and a rain jacket (just in case!).
Is there somewhere I can put my stuff during the day? No, there are no areas to lock up valuables on site. We recommend organizing a team friend or family member who can watch over any valuables while your team is taking part in the event.
What should I wear? Make sure what you wear is weather appropriate. Wear something light and comfortable that isn’t too restrictive. Shoes with good grip are also recommended.
Where can I park? There may be street parking available around Lansdowne Park, along Bank Street, or on the neighboring side streets.
There is paid underground parking at Lansdowne with two entrances:
Under TD Place near the Bank Street and Exhibition Way intersection
Off Queen Elizabeth Drive south of Fifth Avenue
Parking near Lansdowne Park is limited. Arriving early and carpooling are recommended. Click here for more details about pre-purchasing parking passes and alternate parking options.
Can I park/ride my bicycle on site? There are over 600 bike parking spots at Lansdowne Park. Consider going green that weekend by riding your bike to this year’s event.
Will there be food and refreshments available at the event? Our friends at BeaverTails will be onsite selling our favourite delicious treats! Lansdowne Park restaurants also offer a variety of food and beverage options.
Is alcohol served onsite? Many of the restaurants at Lansdowne Park serve alcohol. Please note that NO alcohol is permitted on the event site.
When is the Opening Ceremony? The Opening Ceremony will kick off this year’s event at 1:45pm when teams will be paraded to the start line by the Cameron Highlanders. Immediately followed by an Honourary Pull including local dignitaries and supporters.
What happens if the weather is bad? The Ottawa Fire Truck Pull will be a go - rain or shine! If weather forces the event to pause, teams can take shelter inside the Horticulture Building.
What are the rules?
Competitors must be 13+ years of age.
Teams must compete with a maximum of 10 individuals pulling the fire truck.
Each team will pull the fire truck once in the competition. If the truck has to stop for any reason, the team will be allowed to pull again, in a later order (to give time for strength recovery).
The pull time starts when the race announcer says “go” and ends when the front of the fire truck crosses the finish line.
Will there be any prizes? When will they be awarded?
Prizes will be awarded to the top three teams with the best pull times in each division (mixed, women, open) and will be handed out during the Awards Ceremony after all the pulls are complete.
Are there any special awards? In addition to the awards for your pulling performance, you can also win awards for your fundraising efforts and team spirit!
Best Team Spirit (Top 3 teams)
Fastest Pull (Women, Open & Mixed; Top 3 teams of each division)
Slowest Pull Time :)
Most Charitable Team (Top 3 teams as of 2:00pm on September 27, 2025)
Shawn Mathieson First Responder Challenge (Top 3 teams)
Best Overall (combination of rankings for pull time, fundraising total and team spirit score)
Trophies will be presented to the winning teams at the Awards Ceremony at the end of the event.
Fundraising Information:
Is there a fundraising component in this event? Yes! In order to take part teams must raise a minimum of $1000. Funds raised will go to Epilepsy Ottawa, a not-for-profit charitable agency dedicated to creating a community where people affected by epilepsy are empowered and supported to live life to the fullest, free of stigma and barriers.
I noticed that ODBF is involved in the event this year, tell me more about that? Epilepsy Ottawa and the Ottawa Dragon Boat Foundation (ODBF) are excited to announce that they have agreed to a joint relationship to build and expand the Ottawa Fire Truck Pull. The Ottawa Dragon Boat Foundation (ODBF) was established in 2003 and its mission is to build, strengthen and enhance community life in Ottawa by raising, managing and distributing funds to charitable organizations.
Can I pledge myself? Of course! It’s always a great idea to make a pledge to yourself to show your potential donors that you are dedicated to your fundraising efforts. You can pledge during registration or at any time leading up to the event.
Who is eligible for a tax receipt? Donations of $20 or more will be issued an electronic tax receipt. Lesser amounts will be issued a receipt upon request. Teams who collect cash or cheque donations must track each donor’s full name, mailing address, email address, and the amount. Offline donations and donor details can be submitted at the event.
For donations by cheque, what name should be on the cheque?
In 2025 the Ottawa Fire Truck Pull will be held in partnership with ODBF, therefore please make cheques payable to “Ottawa Dragon Boat Foundation”.
How do I get started? Login to your profile in the registration system to set-up your personal donation page and send your fundraising link to your family and friends. You can also direct potential donors to our online donation system where they can support you and your team and help you reach your fundraising goal!
Is there an award for the top fundraising team? The first place overall fundraising team will be awarded our Most Charitable Team trophy at the end of the event.
How can I see how my team and I are doing in the standings? Click on the link below to see where you and your team are in the standings…the race is on to see which team can raise the most!